Responsibility Initiatives

Miller Brewing Company

The videos for this kiosk were designed on their side so they could be displayed with the screens turned vertically.

There is a down side to the brewing industry, and as one of the world's largest brewers of alcohol beverages, it's something Miller Brewing Company strives with every day: how to teach their consumers to enjoy their products responsibly. To this end, each year Miller makes an aggressive effort to produce campaigns aimed at educating consumers.

This project was part of the effort to create a tradeshow space showcasing many of Miller's responsibility initiatives. The kiosk consists of an interactive program displayed on four large screen TVs turned on their sides and arranged in a cube configuration.

Consumers can approach the kiosk from any side and interact with the program using a touch screen monitor mounted on a stand directly in front of each large screen display. The touch-screen monitors mirror what the consumer sees on the larger display. The consumer selects items from an interactive menu with a touch of a finger. They can select from a range of informative videos about topics such as: Reducing Drunk Driving, Preventing Underage Drinking, and Miller's Commitment to Community Awareness. Consumers can also play an interactive game of trivia featuring questions about Miller Brewing Company and its history.